◆ Real Estate Tax
 On the 1st of January every year, people with Land, House and Depreciable Assets (Fixed Assets) must pay tax on these to the value they are calculated at.

◆ Town and Prefectural Taxes
 This is a tax paid every year on 1st of January by all people who are residents of Japan. You are not exempt from paying this, even if you return to your home country during the year. Depending on the amount of salary, discounts are available.
 Even if you do not live within Komono Town, a per capita basis payment system is in place for those with property or offices in Komono Town.

◆ Light Vehicle Tax
 This is a tax paid every year on 1st April for those in possession of a light vehicle. It is for Motorised Bicycles, light motor vehicles (under 660cc), small sized automobiles and two wheel compact cars. All other automobiles are subject to Prefectural Taxes.

◆ National Health Insurance
 This is a tax for the insured people of the National Health Insurance who are Head of the  Household.
 Apart from those people who are enrolled in their Workplace’s Health Insurance or those with Livelihood Protection, everyone will be included into the National Health Insurance system.
 The amount payable is determined by salary of the Head of Household and property value

● Issuing Certificates

 ◆ Applying for Certificates
 For visa applications etc, please apply at the place where you plan to be living the following year on 1st January (if this is Komono Town, then please come directly to the Tax Division of the Town Hall.)
 Please see the table for paperwork and charges

  ※ Applicants to go to the Tax Division. Can be downloaded from Komono Town’s homepage.
  ※ Authorisation is necessary when using a representative of yourself to apply
Tax Division Queries:
  ・Payment of Taxes: TEL 391-1115
  ・Real Estate Tax: TEL  391-1116
  ・Town, Prefectural, Road and National Health Insurance:
      TEL  391-1117
 Most of the public services (library, fire department, rubbish collection and disposal etc) in Komono Town are covered by the Town’s Taxes.
 In order that everyone can live in safety, we ask for your cooperation in this matter.


◆ Leaving Japan
 If the tax payer leaves Japan, then a substitute tax payer must be chosen or the remaining tax must be paid in full.

◆ Non-Payment of Taxes
 If the tax is not paid within the time frame, a reminder will be forwarded and an assessment and possible seizure of your assets.
 Please keep in mind that Non-Payment of tax causes a disadvantage to all tax payers and is a great loss to the town.

◆ Consultations about Tax Payment
 Please come directly to the Town Hall for Tax enquiries.

● Town Tax

● Taxes:

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● At these times: